Syllabus Coverage:
Programming Language C:
Overview of C: History of C, Importance of C, Structure of a C Program.
Elements of C: C character set, identifiers and keywords, Data types, Constants and Variables, Assignment statement, Symbolic constant.
Input/output: Unformatted & formatted I/O function in C, Input functions viz. scanf(), getch(), getche(), getchar(), gets(), output functions viz. printf(), putch(), putchar(), puts().
Operators & Expression: Arithmetic, relational, logical, bitwise, unary, assignment, conditional
operators and special operators. Arithmetic expressions, evaluation of arithmetic expression, type
casting and conversion, operator hierarchy & associability.
Decision making & branching: Decision making with IF statement, IF-ELSE statement, Nested IF statement, ELSE-IF ladder, switch statement, goto statement.
looping: For, while, and do-while loop, jumps in loops, break, continue statement.
Functions: Definition, prototype, passing parameters, recursion.
Storage classes in C: auto, extern, register and static storage class, their scope, storage, & lifetime.
Arrays: Definition, initialization, processing an array, passing arrays to functions, Strings & arrays.
Strings in ‘C’: Introduction, Declaration and initialization of string, String I/O, Array of strings, String manipulation functions: String length, copy, compare, concatenate, search for a substring.
Structure and Union: Introduction, Features of structures, Declaration and initialization of structures, Structure within structure, Array of structures, Structure and functions. Union: Introduction, Union of structures. Typedef, Enumerations.
Pointers: Introduction, Pointer variables, Pointer operators, Pointer assignment, Pointer conversions, Pointer arithmetic, Pointer comparison, Pointers and arrays, Pointers and functions, Pointers and strings, Pointer to pointer, dynamic allocation using pointers malloc(), calloc(), realloc().
Files: Introduction, File types, File operations, File I/O, Structure Read and write in a file, Errors in file handling, Random-access I/O in files.
Preprocessor: Introduction, #define, macros, macro versus functions, #include, Conditional Compilation directives, undefining a macro. Command line arguments: defining and using
Command line arguments.
Programming Language C++:
Introduction to C++: C++ Standard Library, Illustrative Simple C++ Programs. Header Files, Namespaces, Application of object oriented programming.
Object Oriented Concepts: Introduction to Objects and Object Oriented Programming, Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Overloading, Inheritance
Classes & Object: Abstract Classes, Accessifier (public/ protected/ private), Class Scope and Accessing Class Members, Controlling Access Function, Constant, Class Member, Structure and Class
Friend Functions: Friend Function and Friend Classes
Dynamic Memory Allocation: This Pointer, Dynamic Memory Allocation and Deallocation (New and Delete)
Static Members: Static Class Members, Static Member Functions
Constructors & Destructors: Constructors, parameter Constructors and Copy Constructors, Deconstructors,
Inheritance: Introduction of inheritance, Types of Inheritance, Overriding Base Class Members in a Derived Class, Public, Protected and Private Inheritance, Effect of Constructors and Deconstructors of Base Class in Derived Classes.
Polymorphism: Introduction to Polymorphism, Pointer to Derived class, Virtual Functions, Pure Virtual Function, Abstract Base Classes, Static and Dynamic Binding.
Operator Overloading: Fundamentals of Operator Overloading, Rules for Operators Overloading, Implementation of Operator Overloading Like <<,>> Unary Operators, Binary Operators.
Files: Text Streams and binary stream, Sequential and Random Access File, Stream Input/ Output Classes, Stream Manipulators.
Exception Handling: Basics of C++ Exception Handling, Try, Throw, Catch, multiple catch, Re-throwing an Exception, Exception specifications.
Templates: Function Templates, Overloading Template Functions, Class Template, Class Templates and Non- Type Template arguments.
Programming Language VB (Visual Basic)
Theoretical Cum Practical Work:- Introduction to VB, Features of VB, VB 6 Vs other version of VB
Structure of VB Application- Control Property & Methods
Procedure of VB- event, general, function & properties
Modules in Visual Basic- form modules, standard & class modules
Data Types, Variable, Constant operators- Math operator, comparison, logical operator, Decision Control structure, Loop Control structure, Function, array.
Oracle-SQL (Structured Query language):
Theoretical Cum Practical Work:- Introduction of Oracle/RDBMS, objectives, SQL*Plus, SQL Command
DDL-Create, Alter, Drop
DML- Insert, Delete, Update, select
DCL- Grant, Revoke
Creating a table-Constant, Data Types, Operators & Functions, Alter a table, Character set, Identifier, constant, variables
Constraints- Primary key, unique key, check constraint, foreign key
Theoretical Cum Practical Work:- Objects Oriented Programming Concept, Introduction of Java Programming, Data Types, Variables, Laterals, Operator- (Arithmetic, unary, relational, conditional) Expression- Decision making & looping, Array, Classes, Objects, Interface, Inheritance, String Characters, packages.
Theoretical Work:- Introduction to JavaScript, Overview, Difference between JavaScript & Java, Versions of JavaScript, Syntax & Conventions, Writing a Simple JavaScript Program, Variables & their Naming Rules, Variable Scopes, Expressions, Conditional Expressions, Loop Statements-for Statement/while Statements/break Statements/continue Statements, Functions, Arrays, Objects, Event handlers- onClick/onMouseOver/onSubmit/onFocus/onChange/onBlur/onLoad/onunload, Dialog boxes -Alert, Confirm & Prompt
Practical Work:- Script for Creating an Alert Dialog Box, Script for Creating an Prompt Dialog Box, Some Scripts for Practicing in Java.
Computer Lab Practical
Eligibility: Not Applicable