Welcome to Shri Ram Naresh Computer Education Pvt Ltd
Welcome Shri Ram Naresh Computer Education Pvt Ltd stands as a paragon of excellence and innovation in the realm of computer education, proudly bearing the seal of approval from the Government of India with License number U62099UP2024PTC202167.
1 Month free classes IN CERTIFICATE IN WEB DESIGNING (CWD) ( S-12 )


  • Course Fees : 7000.00 8000.00/-
  • Course Duration : 3 MONTHS , 6 MONTHS
  • Minimum Amount To Pay : Rs.3500.00

Syllabus Coverage:

Fundamental of Computer:

Theoretical Work:- Introduction to Computer, Definition of Computer, Computer Characteristics, Classification of Computer, Input/Output Unit- CPU,  History & Generations of Computers, Bit & Bytes, Introduction to Computer Hardware-Input & Output Devices, Memory & its types, Introduction to Computer Software & its Classification.

Practical Work: English typing-Tutor (During theory of Fundamental)

Operating System:

Theoretical Work:- Operating System- Definition & Function, Introduction to Window & its current versions, Introduction & types of Window.

Practical Works:-Start up window on your CPU & Monitor, Introduction to Window Accessories- Calculator, Note Pad, Word Pad, and Paint & Clock.



Theoretical cum Practical Work:- Introduction to HTML, Concept, Versions of HTML,  HTML editors, Elements of HTML-Tags/Attributes, To write a HTML document

Minimum Required Tags in HTML-HTML Tag,/Head Tag/Title Tag/Body Tag,  A Sample of HTML Document, Headings, Paragraphs, Line Break, Lists- Number list/Unnumbered List/Definition Lists/Nested List, Type Attribute, Preformatted Text, Using Links-WebPages/Mailto/Images, Specify Size of images, Character Formatting-Bold/Underline/Italic/Suscripts/Superscripts/Alignment Attribute/Changing Font Size & Color, Setting the Color of Body Background/Text & Links. Background Graphics or Images.


Theoretical Cum Practical Work:- Introduction to DHTML, Table-Tag/ Border/Cells/Row/ Space/Size/Alignment/Spanning Rows & Columns/Specify Background Color/Creating Table with in Table, Frames, Using Forms- Setting Up a Form/Creating a text box/Creating a Radio Button/Creating a Checkbox/Creating a Menu/Creating Buttons a Submit or Accept, Reset or Refresh.


Theoretical Work:- Introduction to JavaScript, Overview, Difference between JavaScript & Java, Versions of JavaScript, Syntax & Conventions, Writing a Simple JavaScript Program, Variables & their Naming Rules, Variable Scopes, Expressions, Conditional Expressions, Loop Statements-for Statement/while Statements/break Statements/continue Statements, Functions, Arrays, Objects, Event handlers- onClick/onMouseOver/onSubmit/onFocus/onChange/onBlur/onLoad/onunload, Dialog boxes -Alert, Confirm & Prompt

Practical Work:- Script for Creating an Alert Dialog Box, Script for Creating an Prompt Dialog Box, Some Scripts for Practicing in Java.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheet):

Introduction, Levels of Style Sheets, Style Specification Formats, Selector Forms, Property Value Forms, Font Properties, List Properties, Color, Alignment of Text, Box Model, Background Images, Conflict Resolution.

SQL (Structured Query language):

Theoretical Cum Practical Work:- Introduction of Oracle/RDBMS, objectives, SQL*Plus, SQL Command

DDL-Create, Alter, Drop. DML- Insert, Delete, Update, select. DCL- Grant, Revoke

Creating a table-Constant, Data Types, Operators & Functions, Alter a table, Character set, Identifier, constant, variables

Constraints- Primary key, unique key, check constraint, foreign key. Joins


Introduction to PHP, Environment setup, Syntax overview, Variable types, Constants, Operators, Decision making, Loops, Arrays, Strings, GET and POST methods, File Inclusion functions, Files and I/O, Functions, Cookies, Session, Login script, File Uploading

Advanced PHP:

PHP and Ajax, PHP & MYSQl, Error Handling, Date and Time, PHP & XML, PHP forms, Validation


Computer Lab Practical


  Eligibility: Not Applicable